What the? Check out the North Park Mansion Kit

Welcome Meredith Bland to Survive Parenthood Magazine –
Meredith blogs regularly at Pile of Babies: Take a Knee, I Have Nonsense to Spew (http://www.pileofbabies.com). She has been published at Errant Parent and Imperfect Parent.

Only the best for your little princess? Well, it’s time to put your considerable money where your mouth is and plunk down $949.99 (the extra .99 is for extra fancy) for the North Park Mansion kit.

The manufacturer estimates it will take about 40 hours to assemble and finish this stately home, so it’s time to take that week off work you’ve been saving up! And don’t forget to head to the hardware store, as you will need the following tools to build your little darling’s country estate:

“…a hammer, fine-toothed saw, glue, utility knife, masking tape, sandpaper, paint, brushes, screwdriver, ruler, square, and brads.”

I would go ahead and add in the cost of a hotel room, because by the time you get about 27 hours into this little project whoever is helping you build it is not going to want to listen to you breathe, let alone sleep in the same house as you.

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