Tag Archives: app reviews

Which apps are worth the money?


Which apps are worth the money? In the past few years, apps, like technology, have evolved to the point where they’ve almost completely replaced the way we play traditional video games. I say almost completely because The Sims for iPad will, for me at least, never replace The Sims for my Mac. It’s just not the same experience, and I …

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Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app review


It’s pretty rare that I argue with my 4 year old over who gets to play with the iPad, but when we loaded the Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app the other day, we were both pulling the iPad back and forth so we could play. If you’ve played Thematica’s Cars in the Sandbox, you’ll know how bright, colorful, and fun …

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My PlayHome app review iPad

MyPlayHome app reviewed on Survive Magazine

My PlayHome app review iPad Sometimes, you just want a little peace and quiet around your house. When you feel as if your head will pop off if you have to break up one more fight, you need to find a serious distraction. I’m one of those people that relies on apps for distraction. I load up my iTunes cards …

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Couch to 5K app review

Cows in a pasture - copyright Shelly Wutke

Couch to 5K app review I have never thought of myself as a runner. Or someone who was into exercise for that matter. Sure, I like to ride my road bike around Langley in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, but given the duration (at least an hour) and the difficulty in getting out the door (impossible), I have never ridden …

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