Tag Archives: best apps for kids

Best Apps To Survive Summer Boredom


We’ve had a teacher’s strike out here on the West Coast, and that means we were immediately thrown onto a fast moving train to crazy town for the past few weeks. There’s nothing quite like having summer instantly thrown at you. All of the plans we made and the slow build up to having the kids home full time has …

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Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app review


It’s pretty rare that I argue with my 4 year old over who gets to play with the iPad, but when we loaded the Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app the other day, we were both pulling the iPad back and forth so we could play. If you’ve played Thematica’s Cars in the Sandbox, you’ll know how bright, colorful, and fun …

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Top tablet apps for kids

Top tablet apps for kids

  Wondering which tablet apps are at the top of the heap as far as your kids go? There are so many to choose from that it can be seriously hard to pick. Girls, boys, toddlers, older kids – there’s a wide variety of iOS and Android app for pretty much any tablet. Recently, I wrote up my newest list …

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