All Articles on Survive Parenthood Magazine

Get Rolling With the Cortina SE Infant Travel System

Cortina SE Infant Travel System review

Whether you’re having your first baby or you 3rd, choosing a stroller isn’t an easy task. Because my kids were spaced far apart, I ended up buying a completely new travel system 3 times over. Why? To start, the technology behind infant car seats really improved over a few years, and I wanted to transport my baby as safely as …

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Want to make a difference in someone’s life? Consider donating your baby’s cord blood

In 2001 I had my first baby, and although it was a happy time for us, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss because one of the most important people in my life wasn’t there to share it with me. My cousin was 14 when she died in a car crash, and at the time I was just …

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Hit The Road With PlayGro Toys


Have you ever gone on a road trip with a baby? I’m not talking short term like a two hours jaunt to Grandma’s house. I mean a real, honest road trip of at least 10 to 20 hours. One of these road trips gives you the opportunity to test your stamina, because as much as you think it’s going to …

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Disneyland food, plug in version

I write a weekly column on Best Buy Canada’s community site, and this week we’re talking Disneyland’s treats and eats. I used to be one of those people who hauled in my own food and left the park to go eat somewhere else after a long day, but I slowly discovered that eating elsewhere made no sense when there was …

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Here’s how we beat the winter blues with Cadbury Easter treats

Every year, right before Valentine’s Day, I head to the store and I start stocking up on Easter eggs. Yes, I know this sounds a little strange. Valentine’s Day is for Valentines, chocolate hearts, and candy kisses, but I tend to skip over that one day and prepare for what amounts to the big Kahuna in my house – Easter! …

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Laguna Beach Web Cam

Laguna Beach Web Cam

Have I posted about this? If I have, you’ll have to forgive me. It’s that good. If you’re stuck in the middle of a snowbank somewhere, if you are in a constant downpour of winter rain, or if you just really miss California, this Laguna Beach Web Cam will be your best friend. I know it’s mine. Even if you’ve …

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Bates Motel Season 3 Premieres March 9th

Bates Motel Film Set

Occasionally, in the middle of watching the Bates Motel, I will forget that the set is located down the street and just get completely sketched out by what’s going on. Good TV will take you out of your own sense of reality and plant you straight in the middle of the story, and that’s what Bates Motel does for me. …

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3 Of The Best Apps For Christmas Holidays

3 of the best apps for Christmas holidays

Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas and the holidays just as much as anyone, but with all the craziness there has to be a bit of down time too. Unfortunately, with so much going on, getting the kids to calm down is quite a challenge. As for me, I’m running on coffee and adrenaline, so calming down isn’t even …

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Stretch your holiday budget with RBC Rewards points

RBC Rewards

I’ve got four kids, so I’ve always looked at the holiday season with a not-so-slight amount of trepidation and a good old-fashioned death grip on my wallet. I used to laugh at people who would be finished Christmas shopping by October, thinking they were way too into the holidays and wondering why they’d want to miss out on the best …

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Keeping It Clean And Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

I remember very clearly where I was when I heard about Lysol Disinfecting Spray and Lysol Wipes for the first time. I was in an ambulance with my 3-year-old daughter and we were racing to the hospital after she had a febrile seizure. By that point in the trip, she was awake and my panic register had dropped slightly from …

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