Having lived with a bunch of kids for the past 12 years, I’d say I’m a qualified expert of what a hot holiday toy is. In a nutshell, hot holiday toys are those for which you get out of bed at 5 am, stand outside in the cold lined up with other similarly crazy individuals, and wait for 2 or 4 hours until the doors open and you get elbowed in your face by some insane Mom who hasn’t had coffee and wants to go all roller derby on your butt just to get to the right toy aisle.
Tis the season to sport a few bruises, especially when it comes to the next best toy. And so, just to prepare you for the brawl that is to come, in no particular order here are my expert picks for the Hot Holiday Toys of 2013:

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. The Furby Boom is just a little zebra striped stuffy with a voice box, right? But to call him, her, um, it that would be doing that cute little creature a serious injustice. The Furby Boom is a re-loaded version of the original Furby, but this version has a cool App to go along for the ride.
You can feed Furby, shower Furby, and even watch as your Furby does some cute little ‘business’ on the potty. I think Furby could be great for potty training incentives. Who needs floating cheerios when you can show your kid how Furby does it first?
I had a Furby Boom in my house for a week and did an entire review on it for Best Buy. Check it out, and trust me on this one – Get out there and buy one early.

Skylanders Swap Force
After investing a small fortune in Skylanders and stepping on them in random spots in my house (Terrafin is much more painful on your heel at 2 am than Eye Brawl), imagine how delighted I was to discover that there were a new round of Skylanders coming out this fall.
But there’s two reasons why I feel Skylanders Swap Force will be a great gift this season and one of the hot holiday toys for 2013 – the game is really fun, and the skylanders can swap out their parts because they’re attached by magnets. Imagine the versatility! The fact that they fall apart when you step on them is just a bonus really.
Fisher-Price Imaginext Batcave Play Set

BatDad is my new favorite super hero, so I’m not surprised there’s been a lot of chatter about the Fisher-Price Imaginext Batcave Play Set.
Wait, BatDad isn’t a real super hero? Um…..wow. I had no idea. I think he had me fooled because of the way he delivered the ‘tables are for glasses, not asses’ line. It seemed so Adam West to me.
Anyway, BatDad notwithstanding, the Imaginext Batcave is definitely going to be one of the hot holiday toys this year. Not only can your kids play with the Batcomputer, projectile launcher platform, and have fun on secret walkways, they can download the Imaginext Batcave app and play along on your iPhone. Where do I sign up?

Lego Friends Dolphin Cruiser
Those Lego people like to take my money. I probably have the equivalent of a decent Disney vacation tied up in Lego around my house. Imagine how tragic it feels when you suck up a piece. That’s not a piece of Lego, that’s $5 or a churro down the tube.
But I always go back for more Lego. Why exactly? I like to see them use their brains, and it’s the one toy I can rely on to keep them away from TVs, iPads, and other gadgetry.
So Lego will be taking my money this year for the Lego Friends Dolphin Cruiser, and I’m sure my daughter will love to play with it along with the Lego Friends Heartland Stable and other tiny horses and houses that came along with it.
Get thee to a Lego store and pick this one up STAT.
It’s October, so we’re not quite at Christmas red alert yet. Check back soon for my Hot Holiday Toy 2013 list part 2, and get ready to melt some plastic this festive season.
Oh, skylanders chapter 9 treasure chests it’s just hilarious
I mean, super number of ball bearings to make it work differently or better.