When you need a reminder that your kid’s aren’t the worst kids in the world

72,836 people can’t be wrong.

If their Facebook ‘like’ page is any indication, the blog Sh*t My Kids Ruined hits a chord. Started by Julie Haas Brophy after her child dumped a quart of black paint on her rug, the blog highlights the mishaps of raising children. Time Magazine has named it one of the best blogs of 2010, and if you spend some time scrolling through the pages you will quickly agree. Its funny when this stuff happens, even funnier when it happens to other people.And it is an excellent reminder when you are having a bad day that your kids are no worse than other people’s children.

Not only will you laugh, you will receive an education. Did you know that Orajel strips wood? I had no idea, but it must work better at removing wood finish than it does with teething so its useful to have around.

My own children have ruined so many, many things in our house. When my son was 2, he took my tiny cell phone and dropped it in the toilet. Then the toilet overflowed, but we had no idea why. I didn’t put two and two together until I couldn’t find my phone, and I never did fish it out of the depths. I’ve had my boys climb into the bunnies’ exercise cage and sit, amongst the droppings, while trying to poke out a few eyes. Or, most recently, when my now 2 year old son took a pencil and drew on the brand new 52 inch flat screen TV and ruined my view of Eric from True Blood.

Did you know Magic Eraser will get markings off of a flat screen TV? Just be gentle, it works.

Check out Sh*t My Kids Ruined on the web or like them on Facebook.





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