Tag Archives: hot holiday toys

Review of MIP, the Robot Toy

review MIP robot toy

We do quite a few toy reviews here on Survive Parenthood, and that’s because you just can’t go wrong with a good toy. Not only does it make your kids happy for a long period of time, but it gives you those moments of sanity you need to collect yourself and get on with your day. I recently had the …

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Hot Holiday Toys 2013

Hot Holiday Toys

Having lived with a bunch of kids for the past 12 years, I’d say I’m a qualified expert of what a hot holiday toy is. In a nutshell, hot holiday toys are those for which you get out of bed at 5 am, stand outside in the cold lined up with other similarly crazy individuals, and wait for 2 or …

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Hot new toys for 2011: The good, the bad, and the weird

In the past few years, it seems as though I barely have my jackolanterns mulched up in the yard waste when I am hit by an onslaught of toys. Toy flyers in the mailbox, on the door step, banner ads all over my computer; it is a veritable festival of toy marketing. And I’m OK with it, because I’m a …

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