Tag Archives: mcdonalds

I followed US Politics for 2 months straight, and I didn’t even get a Barack Obama tshirt

I haven’t been writing as much in the past month. This might be partly due to an obsession with Ghosts of Mistwood on Facebook (Must.Clear.Fog), but mostly it was because of US politics. You see, I have this habit of reading on my phone at bedtime. When I could otherwise be sleeping in hopes of restoring myself enough to take …

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McDonalds healthy happy meals? Fast food giant halfing fry portion in Happy Meals

Take that happy meal, remove a few french fries, add a strawberry yogurt, and call it healthy? McDonalds seems to think so. In an effort to be perceived as a more health conscious restaurant, MacDonald’s is removing some of the french fries from your child’s happy meal.  The current french fry portion in a Happy Meal is 71 grams. McDonalds …

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