Tag Archives: Where is Bates motel filmed

Bates Motel Set In Aldergrove

Bates Motel Psycho House A&E

I live down the street from the Bates Motel set and I’ve got quite a few pictures of it on here. The Bates Motel is located at 1070 272nd Street in Aldergrove, BC. Here’s a Google Map to help you get there. This was taken long before they built the set so you can’t see the Psycho House on street …

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Bates motel filming location just outside Vancouver

When you take your pile of cardboard boxes to the garbage dump for recycling, you don’t think you’re going to stumble across something that would fit in better at Universal Studios in Hollywood than good old Aldergrove. But stumble you will, and stop, and possibly sit in the entrance to the dump and try to snap off a few photos …

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