This week in parenting headlines

Technology moves at light speed. It changes so fast that before we know it our iPhone 4’s will so thin they will give a piece of paper a run for it’s money, and our iPads will not only look up recipes but actually cook your dinner too. But amidst all of this change, you can be sure of one thing: The Internet will retain it’s sense of wonder and stupidity. If it’s too stupid to print in a newspaper or magazine, you’ll find it on the Internet.

For parents, the Internet is either the place where you feel better about your parenting or worse, depending on the day. Here are a few gems that you might have missed this past week:

Should Mother’s Be Sued for Bad Parenting – Time Magazine

I feel for this woman. To be sued because she didn’t send a care package in college or because she made her daughter have a midnight curfew when she was in high school? Sounds like she actually cared, so let’s sue her for $50,000.

OK to start potty training at 18 months, expert says – The Globe and Mail

Really? My son was barely talking at that age, let alone expressing an interest in going to bathroom anywhere but his diaper. If you read on, the article does say you can start at 18 months if its a family decision, but not many people are going to bother to read the entire article. In the five minutes a mom might have to read that, all they will see is 18 month olds potty training and they will feel like their kid missed the bus.

Baby products you don’t need: Parents Magazine

This one is just for fun. I love the baby swiffer. So handy when your floors are dusty and your baby is just learning to crawl. Direct them to the messy spots and watch them have fun.





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