travel virtually Languna web cam

Travel Virtually With The Laguna Beach Web Cam

I’m back after a long hiatus of renovations, remodels, and adjusting to a farmhouse lifestyle. From getting used to pine instead of drywall to an invasion of mice that my lazy cats won’t seem to take care of, it’s been an adventure.

But summer is looming, and with that summer vacation. We took a vacation from our regular California summer road trip last year and I had to spend a lot of time doing the travel virtually thing. Thankfully I’m in the planning stages of another road trip, and this one is going to be a doozy.

More of that later. For now, I’d like to share with you a way you can travel virtually to Laguna Beach. I’ve posted about the Laguna Beach web cam before, and I was pretty bummed to find out they’ve taken it offline since then. Imagine my surprise this morning when I Googled Laguna web cams (doesn’t everyone just want to watch the waves for awhile?) and found that the Hotel Laguna has a new cam and it has sound. Score!

A web cam without sound is completely pointless in my book. I don’t want to just see the water, I want to hear those waves. The video quality on this one isn’t as great as the other Laguna web cam, but it’s pretty awesome for someone like me who is really missing the ocean.

I’ve got some great Laguna recommendations on the blog, and I’ll have even more this summer as I get my toes back in that California sand and really explore the Laguna area. In the meantime, you can travel virtually with this web cam and enjoy the soothing sounds of the ocean.

travel virtually Languna web cam


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