Hulu in Canada

Want to watch Hulu in Canada?

Geoblocking can be a real pain in the butt. I don’t know how many times I clicked on a link to watch a video, only to see those Want to watch Hulu in Canada?inane words flash across my screen – “This video is not available in your region.” I mean really…. It’s not enough we have chilly temperatures, limited sunshine, and a serious lack of thrilling things to do here (peaceful walk in the forest anyone?), now when we want to watch Hulu in Canada we can’t?

Take Hulu for example. The streaming service provides the latest TV shows (and some pretty cool movies, golden oldies, and kids entertainment) the DAY after they air on TV. Yes, I know most of us have DVRs and stuff, but Hulu has pretty much made me want to give up my cable package altogether. I just don’t need it anymore.

Hulu streams to your Internet-enabled TV just like Netflix. And like Netflix, it has a fee associated with it. I pay $7.99 a month for the service, and because of it I can cut down my cable provider’s $100 fee to about $40 per month. Not bad I’d say. The only problem? You can’t access it in Canada.

I understand all about territorial video and audio restrictions, but until someone drums up some serious sympathy for us Northerners sometime soon, we’re all doomed to being behind the eternal entertainment firewall. Unless, of course, you get smart about it and just unblock yourself.

Which is what I did, and let me tell you, it’s downright dreamy being on the other side of this fence. Canadians, here’s how to watch Hulu in Canada.

Change your DNS settings to watch blocked Hulu video in Canada

Sounds simple? It is. There are many, many DNS re-routing services, and they all have the simple goal of changing your DNS settings in your router, Apple TV box, game console, iPad, iPhone, or Smart TV. I’ve changed all of my devices to the new settings, and I’ve tried a few different services. Check out my article on How to get US Netflix in Canada for a list of the services I’ve tried. After all that, I feel like I came up with a winner (but feel free to share if you have found a better service and I’ll post it here):

UnoTelly DNS

With different levels of service for different needs, UnoTelly has been, for me, a hands down positive experience. There is a free service you can use to stream Hulu to your computer and smartphone. If you want to access blocked entertainment or get more channels on other devices, UnoTelly charges a small fee.

It’s easy to set up. Just login to your Wifi connection on whatever device you’re changing, manually edit your DNS numbers to those provided by UnoTelly, then turn on the Hulu.

Once you’ve unblocked yourself, you have access to amazing streaming music via Pandora, great US content on Netflix (it’s worth it just for season one of Once Upon a Time), and simply fantastic video on Hulu.

It’s winter. We all need to stay sane. Do yourself a favor and unblock yourself.



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  1. You can test out the service as well

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