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Today’s Pinterest

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Today’s Pinterest

Check out what we found today on Pinterest Grey bedroom. Love. Grey bedroom. Love. I’m going to print t I’m going to print this and put it in my office. Truer words have nev Truer words have never been spoken. True. Love this. True. Love this. If I never lost sigh If I never lost sight of this, I’d never …

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Today’s Pinterest

Check out what we found today on Pinterest This would be useful This would be useful for bribing my 2 year old to actually sleep in his own room. I think this guy jus I think this guy just became the pickle Inspire Inspire Never Never Love. Love. Struggling with wint Struggling with winter again this year This is just …

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This week in parenting headlines

Technology moves at light speed. It changes so fast that before we know it our iPhone 4’s will so thin they will give a piece of paper a run for it’s money, and our iPads will not only look up recipes but actually cook your dinner too. But amidst all of this change, you can be sure of one thing: …

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19 photos that will make you feel great about your kid’s school

I’m not fond of the word ‘fail.’ It brings up so many different feelings and emotions, mostly that it’s not something I like to do. But occasionally, the word is really appropriate. Case in point: Huffington Post featured 19 wonderful slides courtesy of Fail Blog that will make you feel fantastic, perhaps even successful, as far as your child’s choice …

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Bitten by the summer vacation monster

Not as many updates this week as I’ve been bitten by the summer vacation monster: Meaning I have to put the computer aside and actually do something out and about for a change.   We’ll be back in a day or two!

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Crafting your kid friendly meals for fun and excitement

I happened upon a funny article today that made me feel better about the fact that my kids are bored out of their minds this summer, my entertainment directors hat slowly slipping off of my head because I just can’t keep them all happy. At the very least, I can feel good about the fact that their diet is well …

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3 things you should never say to your spouse or the mother of your children

Survive Parenthood Magazine focuses on tips and tricks that can help you survive the often stressful times of parenthood. At the same time, we recognize that there are moments that you just need to pick up your socks and survive the bumpy times that hit your marriage. And that must be why that the single most goggled phrase that seems …

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Take 5: Your 5 minute sanity break

Stressed? Survive Parenthood Magazine will often put up interesting or ridiculous videos. The goal is to kill 5 minutes and help you get back on track. Watch this one with your kids, its too cute not to.    

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Weird baby products via Parenting.com

I’ve had many, many AH HA moments since I became a mother. Specifically, AH HA moments are those that occur when the old lightbulb goes on in my brain. I had one of these such moments when I started my very first website, and I have had many since that point. The good thing about my brain is that I’ve …

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