RBC Rewards

Stretch your holiday budget with RBC Rewards points

I’ve got four kids, so I’ve always looked at the holiday season with a not-so-slight amount of trepidation and a good old-fashioned death grip on my wallet. I used to laugh at people who would be finished Christmas shopping by October, thinking they were way too into the holidays and wondering why they’d want to miss out on the best last minute holiday deals.

What changed my mind? I’d say by the time I was potty training toddler #3 and baby #4 was on the way. That’s when I realized there was something to be said for preparation, because there is nothing worse than going into December with a list as long as Santa’s and no time or funds to get it all done.

Up until last year, by the time December rolled around, I had spun myself into pure panic. Between working and juggling the house and kids on my own while my husband travels for work during his busy season (ski rep, enough said), I’ve had to take on the solo task of finding the perfect gifts for the kids and everyone else on our Christmas list.

Those gifts don’t come cheap either. I miss the days when all they wanted were action figures or a cool train set. My kids are 13, 11, 9, and 5, so the Christmas gift bar has been set a lot higher, the budget has become a lot thinner, and my credit card gets a good workout. But I’m OK with the credit card part of it, because I’ve been part of the RBC Rewards program with my RBC Avion Visa for 6 years and it’s become my lifeline. No, not in a ‘let’s max out the credit card’ type of way. This is a card that actually saves me money on gifts.

Every single time I use my RBC Rewards card, no matter what I buy, I collect points. I pay bills with it, go grocery shopping with it, and make sure all big-ticket items are purchased with it, and the points keep on growing. I’ve used these points for travel for the most part, booking trips and staying in Disney hotels (which is fun on its own, but even more fun when your points cover the cost!), but last year I discovered RBC Merchandise. Let me tell you, when I figured out I could redeem my points for merchandise online, I was like a kid in a toy store.

NateRBC Rewards has tons of great gifts for kids, and I don’t have to schlep out in the frigid weather and fight the crowds to find them. Last year, I used my points to buy a few cool gadgets I knew my husband would want for Christmas, so this year I decided to use all the points I’ve been saving to buy those ‘bigger’ gifts for the kids that would literally kill my monthly budget. They have toys on RBC Rewards I can’t even find in our local malls. Seriously, I’ve driven to the USA and fought two hours of traffic to get an American Girl doll before. Now I can just order one with my points.

It’s not all about toys with RBC Rewards. You can also redeem points at Best Buy and Future Shop for tech, or browse hundreds of fashion and home reno items. RBC Reward Members can also shop through the RBC Rewards eMall and earn extra points shopping at retailers you love because they have bonus point opportunities.

So don’t tell my kids, but that ride-on tractor and Playstation 4 are coming courtesy of my RBC points this year, and I won’t even have to leave my house to get them. It’s a win-win as far as I’m concerned.

RBC Rewards is going to save my sanity and help me survive the hectic (and expensive) holiday season this year. Now all I have to do is figure out how I’m going to wrap all of this stuff! Head over to the RBC Rewards right now and check out everything you can pick up with your RBC Rewards points.


This post was brought to you by RBC Rewards, but the images and opinions are my own. For more information, please visit www.rbcrewards.com

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