Hello and welcome! Survive Parenthood started out as a parenting blog, but it’s grown to become quite a bit more. We like to talk travel, road trips, and those moments where you take your kids out into the world and get there by the skin of your teeth. In the past two years we’ve become quite the West coast road trip experts, having traveled up and down the coast in a minivan packed with kids and wet wipes, so we know a thing or two about traveling with a haul of children in the backseat and we’ve lived to tell the tales.

Sometimes we like to spruce up the house, so we’ll talk chalk paint redos and Pinterest obsessions. We’re also not afraid to share all the crazy things that happen to parents, because if our mistakes can help you avoid a few of the landmines along the parenting path, we’re more than happy to fall in them for you.
We work and live in Hollywood North, beautiful, rainy, cold-in-April Vancouver, BC. The best part about living here is that film sets are everywhere. We’ve visited The Bates Motel film set and ABC’s Once Upon A Time filming set and we share it all here because we’re sort of fan girls for anything related to TV, movies, and filming.
More about us – Survive Parenthood also likes news, and we’ll link to news stories, research articles, and other things that interest parents. We’re PR-friendly, and we work with some of the biggest Mom groups in Canada including the SavvyMom Collective and Mom Central. Shelly also works as a copywriter for a lot of different companies including Best Buy Canada, The Province newspaper in Vancouver, and has written for The Globe and Mail. Check out her portfolio here.
If you’d like to submit original content (no less than 500 words, no spammy, self-promos), contact us.
Hi,is there a spot on your website or tweeting to advertise my Kidswap . I organize the one at the Cloverdale fair grounds coming up April 27
Regards susan