
Testing, testing – Dyson Digital Slim Animal Stick Vacuum review

Review Overview

Easy to handle
Easy to use


Dyson scores again with a powerful vacuum that glides over floors and gets up close and personal with your cupboards, baseboards, and walls.

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Dyson – it’s a name well known for having the best vacuums in the business, and they make a mean hot/cold fan too.

Last week I was asked to do a Dyson Digital Slim Animal Stick Vacuum review. My full review is here, but here’s the quick and dirty of what I thought:

Dyson GoodDyson-DC62-Animal-Stick-Vacuum-review

  • Long, slim, and very light, so it’s easy to pick up and suck those long, thin dust danglies from the corner of your living room (don’t try to deny you have them).
  • Cordless, it works for about 20 minutes at full power.
  • Turns right off when you aren’t using it, so any charge you have stays until you need it again.
  • Charges quickly.
  • No bags, and dust empties from the bin with one tap of the lever.
  • Amazing suction. The power head gets up close and personal to your cupboards, walls, baseboards and glides under furniture. My broom never does that.
  • Comes apart, so you can use the ‘main engine’ as a handheld for cleaning out your car, doing your stairs, etc.

Dyson Bad

  • I love this thing, I don’t have a bad thing to say about it. I want Dyson to be my vacuum choice forever.
  • If price is a consideration, you may think paying over $500 for a floor cleaner is a bit much, but you do get what you pay for with Dyson.

Overall rating? 5 stars. Powerful, efficient, and easy to empty – it’s a great gadget to keep in your broom closet.



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