Tech Reviews

Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app review


It’s pretty rare that I argue with my 4 year old over who gets to play with the iPad, but when we loaded the Thematica Firetrucks 911 Rescue app the other day, we were both pulling the iPad back and forth so we could play. If you’ve played Thematica’s Cars in the Sandbox, you’ll know how bright, colorful, and fun …

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What is data roaming?

what is data roaming

If you aren’t the type to travel, you’ll probably never have heard of roaming data. But for many of us who cross International borders on a weekly basis and spend all of our family vacation money in a different country, data roaming is a pretty important topic to be knowledgeable about. Want to roam with your phone? Here’s a few …

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What to do if you drop your iPhone in water

Wondering what to do if you drop your iPhone in water? I dropped my iPhone in a sink of water on purpose. Read on to see what happened. I’m what you call a tech enthusiast, so when I was asked to test out the EVAP Rescue Pouch by Kensington, I was ready. Until, of course, I realized that I actually …

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Why is Hulu not in Canada?

It’s hard not to feel resentful while living in Canada sometimes. It’s not just the snow in May (you have my sympathy Prairies), it’s the lack of video streaming options. Yes, you squeak out better content from Netflix if you change up your DNS settings, but what about all of the other cool streaming services? Why is Hulu not in …

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Review of iRobot Roomba and iRobot Scooba

Review of iRobot Roomba and iRobot Scooba I grew up in Saskatchewan. For those of you who may wonder where that is, it’s in the middle of Canada and currently covered in a snowbank. In April.  Or maybe that was last week. My mom isn’t too fast with the email. While living in Saskatchewan, I watched a lot of TV. …

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Worst movies on Netflix 2013

Worst movies on Netflix 2013 – My personal review of Vampire Dog Someday, we’ll be able to tell our grandchildren how there once was a video streaming service that served up D-list movies so brutally bad, we had to restrain ourselves from getting up and throwing tomatoes at our screen. Actually, after what I watched last night on my weekly …

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Jawbone UP Review – Fitness Tracking Device

To get off the couch or not to get off the couch? This is the question I’m currently wrestling with. My Jawbone Up Fitness Tracking Device is buzzing me and saying yes, you should get up and go. It hasn’t reached shock collar buzzing yet, so I think I’ll stay put and share my Jawbone Up review. I’ve tested the …

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Great kids apps for Spring Break 2013

It’s officially Spring Break 2013, and into every Spring Break a little boredom must fall. If this happens to you, you’ve got to dig deep into your bag of tricks and pull out something great to entertain the kiddies. I love Googling “Things to do on Spring Break 2013 for kids” and seeing what comes up. Bowling pins made from …

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Announcement: The Nikon D7100

Check out my latest post on the Best Buy Plug In Blog about the Nikon D7100. It looks like it might be more camera than most people think they could handle, but that 24.1 megapixel means you’ll be able to capture the most intense photo and video of your kids for years to come. Announcement: The Newest Nikon Camera to …

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How to mod Minecraft

Wondering why your kid is always talking about Minecraft and how much fun it is? Here’s a quick how to mod Minecraft for any parent who wants to be the hero and take their kid’s Minecraft game to the next level by modding Minecraft on PC. There comes a time in life of all parents when they have to ask …

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