
3 parental influenced reasons you need the new iPad

I will admit it. I skipped out on the iPad 2. I’m all for upgrading gadgets on a yearly basis, but even with the camera built-in I didn’t see the need to upgrade. I was, and still am, extremely happy with the first generation iPad. Basically, I was waiting it out for the #3. And with the announcement of the …

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Top tablet apps for kids

Top tablet apps for kids

  Wondering which tablet apps are at the top of the heap as far as your kids go? There are so many to choose from that it can be seriously hard to pick. Girls, boys, toddlers, older kids – there’s a wide variety of iOS and Android app for pretty much any tablet. Recently, I wrote up my newest list …

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Review – Epson printers have seriously practical purposes

Review Epson Workforce

Review – Epson printers Before you become a parent, no one really shares with you how small, seemingly trivial things can become urgent in ways you never would have expected. An example? Your toddler is in full scale riot mode and he’s completely finished with the firetruck you just bribed him with so he’d sit still at the store. Your …

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Canadians Guide to Disneyland Riding the Lilly Belle Caboose

In honor of Canadian Spring Break beginning in the next few weeks and the countless searches we’re seeing for Canada to Disneyland road trip, we present one of the hidden secrets of Disneyland you might not know about: Riding the Lilly Belle Caboose. (And if you do know about it, I like you already. Let’s be friends.) The charm and …

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What is Amniocentesis really like?

  Society is seriously a funny thing. In a day and age where 40 is the new 30 and 20 is considered an overgrown child, the fact that more and more women are putting off having kids until they are over 35 isn’t too surprising. But despite this trend for waiting to become a Mom, if you Google “Having a …

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A Canadian’s guide to Disneyland Where can I get the best price on Disneyland tickets?

Update 07/06/2012 – Just discovered that Flight Centre no longer sells 8 day park hoppers for Disneyland. They sell 5 days for slightly less than you’d find at the park gates, but 8 days is no longer an option. Disneyland: From the moment you walk through the gates and hear that wonderful little tweet saying your tickets are valid (and …

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How to connect with your wife, after kids, after bumps in the road, or just whenever

If I told you how many visitors we get on Survive Parenthood that come here searching for, “What to say to my wife” or “Things I can say to my wife”, you’d be really surprised. The numbers are high. I wrote an article called “Things you should never say to your wife after she’s had a baby” last year. It …

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Apps for iPad to surf your way through the winter blues

Oh Canadian winter, how you deceived me one again. Right when I had just become comfortable with the level of chill and rain (I even pulled out my lined hoodie, just to stay a little warmer) you flipped the switch on me and covered me in snow. And not just any snow. Instead of the light, fluffy, isn’t it pretty, …

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Netflix Canada vs USA – How to get US Netflix in Canada

I signed up with Netflix pretty much the day it launched in Canada. Having fiddled around with it in the US a few times, I knew what type of movies/shows/ etc. it offered, and you didn’t have to ask me twice if I wanted access to unlimited episodes of Hoarders (when you trip over toys and laundry all day, programs …

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New Year’s Resolutions, Mom edition

If you are like me, you have a bucket list tucked away somewhere. On my list are many, many things that I’d like to accomplish (and not before I die, simply before I get too old to do them and just want to nap all day or perhaps before my teeth fall out. My Grandma always told me steak was …

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