
Review: Wii U

I recently wrote up an overview of the Wii U for the Vancouver Province newspaper tech blog. If you’re interested in this cool new video game console, check out my article here: Will U get a Wii U? We’ve had our Wii U since Christmas, and I’ll admit that it gets left to sit and gathers dust in favour of …

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App Reviews – Zombies Run!

Spring has sprung, at least in most places, and you know what that means? It’s time to get off your duff and get back into your exercise program. I’m a huge proponent of using Apps for Exercise. There is literally an App for everything, including situps, pushups, Pilates, Yoga, and all around strength training. But in my humble opinion, the …

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Review – Epson printers have seriously practical purposes

Review Epson Workforce

Review – Epson printers Before you become a parent, no one really shares with you how small, seemingly trivial things can become urgent in ways you never would have expected. An example? Your toddler is in full scale riot mode and he’s completely finished with the firetruck you just bribed him with so he’d sit still at the store. Your …

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Apps for iPad to surf your way through the winter blues

Oh Canadian winter, how you deceived me one again. Right when I had just become comfortable with the level of chill and rain (I even pulled out my lined hoodie, just to stay a little warmer) you flipped the switch on me and covered me in snow. And not just any snow. Instead of the light, fluffy, isn’t it pretty, …

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Hot new toys for 2011: The good, the bad, and the weird

In the past few years, it seems as though I barely have my jackolanterns mulched up in the yard waste when I am hit by an onslaught of toys. Toy flyers in the mailbox, on the door step, banner ads all over my computer; it is a veritable festival of toy marketing. And I’m OK with it, because I’m a …

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Couch to 5K app review

Cows in a pasture - copyright Shelly Wutke

Couch to 5K app review I have never thought of myself as a runner. Or someone who was into exercise for that matter. Sure, I like to ride my road bike around Langley in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, but given the duration (at least an hour) and the difficulty in getting out the door (impossible), I have never ridden …

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